Miss Cora Smith's
Last History Lesson
On Love
Gilead, Ill., 9/15/1898
Miss Cora Smith
Batchtown, Illinois
Dear Miss Cora,
I know you think I’m slow bout writing, which I am, but you know a boy on a farm has a good deal of work to do.
If you have no objections, I would be very much pleased to have a date with you next Sunday evening “Come about two o’clock.”
Donny and me went to church that Sunday evening. He found Maggie at church.
I guess the roads are too dusty to take a buggy ride now, it has been ever so long since we have had rain.
I will be very glad when I got at school once again, but I don’t like Batchtown. The school is all right but I hate to stay in town all winter.
Write and let me [know] about the date as soon as you can. I remain as ever.
Your friend, Allen DeLong
Good by.
Excuse this poor writing. and such a long letter